
Studio 6

Wednesday, December 4, 2019
10:15 AM - 11:00 AM
Introduction to Live Streaming
Have you ever wanted a step-by-step breakdown of the basics of live streaming? Please join us on a discussion of how you can utilize video to increase your social media awareness and outreach. Hosted by David Scott, Senior Manager for DISH Network, whose primary focus is on the portable live-streaming product SlingStudio, this session will focus on where the industry is going, new live-streaming trends, and tips, tricks and techniques to enhance your production. Bring your questions!
12:15 PM - 1:00 PM
Live Streaming for Events
Redundancy and reliability is critical for all parts of a live streaming production process. In this session learn how to use and configure the essential components of a live streaming event system, including cameras, H.264 encoders/streamers, video switchers, video signal conversion, recorders, and more. Learn how to approach different live scenarios with the right gear to fit the budget you have.
1:15 PM - 2:00 PM
Pushing the Limits of Video for Government and the Public Sector
You might be surprised to know that government and the public sector are active drivers in the growth of streaming video, and are continually pushing the limits to how video can add value. These sectors use streaming video to provide entertainment and education, expand the reach of public safety agencies and enhance internal communications. Scott Grizzle of IBM Watson Media will explore how organizations like American Forces Network, NASA, the New York State Senate, the Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. Architect of the Capitol are delivering on their mission statements through smart use of video around their enterprises. What new technical solutions are they bringing to bear? What role is artificial intelligence playing in these efforts, and what's ahead?
2:15 PM - 3:00 PM
Enterprise Streaming
Just about every consumer has experienced streaming video on their phone, computer, or TV, but live and on-demand streaming for an enterprise network is different. You have a different audience, different network, different sources, and different security concerns. In this session, Rich will explore the advances made in enterprise streaming technology, and examine some case studies and users as well. He'll address: Compression (H264 and H265, or something else?); streaming protocols; encoders, resolutions, frames, and rates; decoding and delivering across all advices; security; how to achieve low delay with high reliability; and the possibilities for both unicast and multicast.
3:15 PM - 4:00 PM
TIVA-DC Presents: Best Practices for Incorporating Streaming Media in Your Small Business Marketing Plan
Not long ago the ability to use live or on-demand video as part of your marketing portfolio was cost prohibitive for all but the largest organizations. Reaching potentially millions of customers, constituents, or stakeholders required complex and costly broadcast media spends with a limited ability to target messaging or evaluate efficacy.  This panel of experts will help you develop optimal processes to use streaming media to market your organization, goods, and services and identify tools to help you measure success.
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM
TIVA-DC Presents: Best Practices for Selecting a Streaming Media Partner to Enhance Corporate Communications
Streaming video has become a mainstay of corporate communications in recent years but few firms have the in-house expertise to realize the technology’s full potential.  Hear an expert panel of industry participants discuss what to look for in a streaming media partner.  What level of support is needed?  Do you require a simple ad-supported content delivery network?  Or is a more robust solution with support, security, service level agreements and advance video platform features required to best advance your organization’s messaging?
All studios are live with stream programming Dec. 4-5 from 10:15 AM - 5:00 PM featuring expert and exclusive content!