Yes MAM! Media Asset Management at the World Wildlife Fund
Date & Time
Thursday, December 5, 2019, 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

Yes MAM! Media Asset Management at the World Wildlife Fund
Learn through a Q&A format about the challenges and successes involved with managing video and photography at the World Wildlife Fund. The World Wildlife Fund (US branch of WWF) serves as a major asset management hub for the international network. Media management can be a mysterious and complex thing. Topics include acquisition workflows with internal and external video and photography producers; acquisition workflows including rights management, technical and metadata specifications, bandwidth challenges including working with international offices with low bandwidth (both staffing, expertise, and actually internet bandwidth); RFP process for the selection of the DAM; lessons learned from the selection of the DAM through the lens of video management; management of storage, large files and back up; and legal and ethical challenges in managing a conservation video library. Through slides and video, the team discusses its system in a Q&A format.
Location Name
Studio 3
Full Address
Walter E Washington Convention Center,
801 Mt Vernon Pl NW
Washington, DC 20001
United States
801 Mt Vernon Pl NW
Washington, DC 20001
United States