Full Name
TSgt Caitlin Jones-Martin Jones-Martin
Job Title
Broadcast Journalism Instructor
Defense Information School
TSgt Caitlin Jones-Martin entered the Air Force in April 2006. Upon graduation from the Defense Information School she worked as a radio DJ, news producer and television news anchor at AFN Lajes and AFN Aviano. After 5 years in Europe, she transferred to Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Arizona, where she was the NCOIC of Broadcasting. In 2012, she deployed to the Air Force Mortuary Affairs Operation at Dover AFB, Delaware, where she documented 210 dignified transfers of the fallen from contingency operations. In 2014, she moved to AFN Osan where she served a year-long tour as NCOIC of Radio. After Korea, she was the NCOIC of Command Information and Media Operations, specializing in social media, at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst in New Jersey, the only tri-service joint base in the Department of Defense. In 2018, she reported to DINFOS as an announcing instructor and now teaches broadcast journalism for the mass communications foundations course. She earned her M.A. in Strategic Communications from Texas Tech University in 2018 focusing on communication innovation and new media.
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