Pushing the Limits of Video for Government and the Public Sector
Date & Time
Wednesday, December 4, 2019, 1:15 PM - 2:00 PM
Samuel Scott Grizzle Grizzle
Pushing the Limits of Video for Government and the Public Sector
You might be surprised to know that government and the public sector are active drivers in the growth of streaming video, and are continually pushing the limits to how video can add value. These sectors use streaming video to provide entertainment and education, expand the reach of public safety agencies and enhance internal communications. Scott Grizzle of IBM Watson Media will explore how organizations like American Forces Network, NASA, the New York State Senate, the Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. Architect of the Capitol are delivering on their mission statements through smart use of video around their enterprises. What new technical solutions are they bringing to bear? What role is artificial intelligence playing in these efforts, and what's ahead?
Location Name
Studio 6
Full Address
Walter E Washington Convention Center,
801 Mt Vernon Pl NW
Washington, DC 20001
United States